Understanding the Printer Menus 267
NOTE: Ensure that you remove the paper from the single sheet feeder before performing Auto Correct.
Reset Defaults
To initialize the non-volatile (NV) memory. After executing this function and rebooting the printer, all the menu
parameters are reset to their default values.
Va lues:
Initialize Print Meter
To initialize the print meter of the printer. When the print meter is initialized, the meter count is reset to zero.
Reset Fusing Unit
To initialize the life counter of the fusing unit. After replacing the fusing unit, be sure to initialize its life counter.
Reset Transfer Belt Unit
To initialize the life counter of the transfer belt unit. After replacing the transfer belt unit, be sure to initialize its life
Clear Storage
NOTE: Clear Storage feature is available only when RAM Disk is set to On or when the optional hard disk is installed.
Color Regi Chart Print Prints a color registration chart. The color registration chart
prints a lattice pattern of yellow, magenta, and cyan lines.
On the chart, find the values on the right side that are next
to the line that is perfectly straight for each of the three
colors. If the value for this line is 0, color registration
adjustment is not required. If the value for this line is any
value other than 0, specify the adjustment values under
under lateral adjustment and process adjustment in
Enter Number.
Enter Number LY Available Range:
-9 to +9
Sets lateral (perpendicular to paper feed direction) and
process (paper feed direction) color adjustment values
individually for Yellow, Magenta, and Cyan. Enter a number
in order of lateral adjustment (left), lateral adjustment
(right), and process adjustment. Select
to save all the
RY Available Range:
-9 to +9
PY Available Range:
-9 to +9
User Fax Section Initialize Initializes the fax number entries in the Address Book.
User Scan Section Initialize Initializes the e-mail and server address entries in the Address Book.
System Section Initialize Initializes the system parameters.