Understanding the Tool Box Menus 211
Printer Maintenance
The Printer Maintenance tab includes the System Settings - General, System Settings - Timers, System Settings -
Output Settings, Service Tools, Tray Management, Panel Language, TCP/IP Settings, Network Settings, Copy
Defaults, Scan Defaults, Fax Defaults, USB Direct Print Defaults, and Fax Settings pages.
System Settings - General
To configure the power management of the printer, date and time, mm/inch setting, alarm tones, job log auto print,
and setting of the additional memory.
Va lues:
Power Saver Timer Sleep
Available Range:
1–60 minutes
Sets the amount of transition time to the Sleep mode
after the printer finishes a job.
Deep Sleep
Available Range:
1–60 minutes
Sets the amount of transition time between the Sleep
mode and the Deep Sleep mode.
Date & Time Time Zone
Click to display the Time Zone Settings dialog box. Select
the geographic region and time zone, and then click OK.
Time Zone Displays the time zone selected on the Time Zone
Settings dialog box.
Set Date Sets the date.
Date Format Sets the date format.
Set Time Sets the time. You can select AM or PM when Time
Format is set to 12 Hour.
Time Format Sets the time format in 24 Hour or 12 Hour.
mm / inch Millimeters(mm) Selects millimeter or inch as the default measurement
Audio Tone Control Panel
Off Does not emit a tone when the operator panel input is
Soft Emits a tone at the specified volume when the operator
panel input is correct.
Invalid Key Tone Off Does not emit a tone when the operator panel input is
Soft Emits a tone at the specified volume when the operator
panel input is incorrect.
Machine Ready
Off Does not emit a tone when the printer becomes ready.
Soft Emits a tone at the specified volume when the printer
becomes ready.