Command Reference A-95
community [ add|delete ro|rw
Add or delete communities with the specified access control type.
Specify ro for a read-only community and rw for a read-write com-
munity. For example, to add the read-only community private use
the following command:
snmp community add ro private
Currently the SNMP SetRequest PDU is not supported, so all read-
write communities will default to read-only. The default community
for the filer SNMP agent is public and its access mode is ro. Up to
a maximum of 8 communities are supported.
contact [
Used to set the contact name returned by the SNMP agent as the
System.sysContact.0 MIB-II variable.
init [ 1 ] With an option of 1 this initializes the snmp daemon with values
previously set by the snmp command. It also sends a coldStart
trap to any hosts previously specified by the traphost option. The
snmp init 1
should be the last snmp command in the filers /etc/rc file.
On a query init will return the value 0 if the SNMP daemon has not
yet been initialized. Otherwise it will return the value 1.
location [
Used to set the location name returned by the SNMP agent as the
System.sysLocation.0 MIB-II variable.
traphost [ add | delete
To add or delete SNMP managers who will be the recipient of the
filers Trap PDUs. Specify the word add or delete as appropriate
followed by the host name or address. If a host name is specified, it
must exist in the /etc/hosts file. For example, to add the host
alpha use the following command:
snmp traphost add alpha
No traps will be sent unless at least one trap host is specified. Up
to a maximum of 8 trap hosts are supported.
On a query the traphost option will return a list of registered trap
hosts followed by their IP addresses. If a host name cannot be
found in /etc/hosts for a previously registered IP address, its name
will default to a string representation of its IP address.
traps on | off | reset | delete
turns all traps on or off, or resets or deletes them