Disk and File System Management3-11
2. Type the following command to spin down the disk, replacing
with the
name of the disk from the output in Step 1:
After the disk stops spinning, the disk is ready to be removed.
3. Remove the disk from the filer following the instructions in the hardware guide
for your filer model. File service resumes 15 seconds after you remove the disk.
If you want to remove a disk because it is logging excessive errors, perform the fol-
lowing steps:
1. Type the following command and use the output to determine the disk number:
2. Type the following command to fail the disk, using the disk name from the output
in Step 1 in place of
disk fail
command permanently marks a disk as failed. You cannot reuse
the disk; you must replace it.
After the
disk fail
command, the system operates in degraded mode, which
means that a disk is missing from the RAID group.
3. Remove the disk from the filer following the instructions in the hardware guide
for your specific filer. File service resumes 15 seconds after you remove the disk.
This section contains procedures for configuring and managing volumes.
NOTE: Although you can expand volume sizes and the RAID groups assigned to them
after you create an initial multiple volume configuration, you cannot split or shrink vol-
umes after you create them.
You can create up to 23 volumes on a filer. Each volume must contain at least two
To create a new volume, at the system prompt enter