4-6 Dell PowerVault 720N, 740N, and 760N System Administrator and Command Reference Guide
It is important to distinguish between the kind of user-specified traps you can set
using the
snmp traps
command, and the built-in support for traps, such as cold-
start. Built-in traps such as cold start are automatically sent to the hosts on the
traphosts list when some event (a reboot in the case of a cold start) occurs. User-
specified traps only exist after they are defined by a series of
snmp traps
Traps are persistent. After you set a trap, it remains across reboots until you specifi-
cally remove it.
The filer resolves host names by searching maps or databases for services to use.
The filer tries name resolution services in a default order or in the order that you spec-
ify in the
file in the root volume.
The interval offset is the amount of time in seconds
until the first trap evaluation, and is zero by default.
You can set it to a non-zero value to prevent too
many traps from being evaluated at once (at sys-
tem startup, for example).
After a trap sends data, you might not want it to be
evaluated so often anymore. For instance, you
might want to know within a minute of when a file
system is full, but only want to be notified every
hour that it is still full. There are two kinds of back-
off calculators: stepwise and exponential.
The number of seconds to increase the evaluation
interval if you are using a step backoff. If a traps
interval is 10 and its backoff-step is 3590, the trap is
evaluated every 10 seconds until it sends data, and
once an hour thereafter.
The value by which to multiply a traps evaluation
interval each time it fires. If you set the backoff cal-
culator to exponential-backoff and the backoff
multiplier to 2, the interval doubles each time the
trap fires.