infiNET™ Thermostat Crestron CHV-TSTATRF
Used to anticipate the drop or rise in temperature and energize the
appropriate system before reaching the set point. Anticipators affect how
tightly the setpoint temperature is maintained.
Balance Point
At low outdoor temperatures, the refrigeration cycle of a heat pump will not
be able to supply the heating requirements without the aid of a
supplementary heat source. At higher outdoor temperatures, it is inefficient
to use supplementary heat.
The heat pump balance point sets the minimum outdoor temperature
required to allow operation of the heat pump. Additionally, for conventional
heat pump system types (Heat/Cool Type setup parameter = HP), the Aux-
Heat Balance Point sets the maximum outdoor temperature to allow
operation of the auxiliary heat.
Since dual fuel system types only allow operation of one system at a time,
only one balance point is available.
Blower (Fan)
An air-handling device for moving air in a distribution system.
A call is the action taken by the thermostat when it sends a signal to turn on
the heating or cooling system.
Dual Fuel
A heat pump used in conjunction with an existing fossil fueled furnace.
Emergency Heat (Supplementary Electric Heat)
The auxiliary (AUX) or emergency heat provided at temperatures below a
heat pump's balance point. It is usually electrical resistance heat.
Extended Cool
Extends the cool setpoint range to the full auto range of 38 to 99°F.
Forced Air
A type of heating system that uses a blower motor to move air through the
furnace and into the ductwork.
Equipment used to convert heating energy, such as fuel, oil, gas or
electricity, to usable heat. It usually contains a heat exchanger, a blower and
the controls to operate the system.
Heat Pump
A unit that both cools and heats. A heat pump system can be either a split
system or a packaged system. A heat pump can be used in conjunction with
a gas/oil/LP furnace (using the furnace instead of electric resistance heat
when temperatures fall below about 35º F).
The total amount of moisture in air. Relative humidity (RH) is the amount
of moisture in air, relative to its total capability based upon its temperature
(dew point). Moisture will condense on surfaces that are below this dew
36 • infiNET™ Thermostat: CHV-TSTATRF Operations & Installation Guide – DOC. 6490