infiNET™ Thermostat Crestron CHV-TSTATRF
LCD Display Elements (Continued)
7 OFF indicator Displayed when the system mode is Off.
8 HOLD indicator Displayed when the HOLD setting is active.
9 H, C, F & A indicators
H – Displayed whenever a Heat Call is being
C – Displayed whenever a Cool Call is being
F – Displayed whenever a Fan Call is being
A – Displayed whenever an Aux Heat Call is
being made.
1. For heat pump and dual-fuel systems, when you select Aux Heat Only mode (by pressing and
releasing the MODE button when System mode is Heat) the display will show “AU” in place of the
ambient temperature for as long as the button is held down or for two seconds (whichever is greater).
2. When the CHV-TSTATRF detects a low battery condition (approximately one month of battery life
remaining), the display will alternate “Lo” in place of the ambient temperature once per second.
26 • infiNET™ Thermostat: CHV-TSTATRF Operations & Installation Guide – DOC. 6490