infiNET™ Thermostat Crestron CHV-TSTATRF
Setpoint” which can be specified by the control system program. This is handled
automatically by the “Crestron CHV-TSTATRF w/5-2 Scheduler” module provided
with the Crestron Database. Refer to “Programming with SIMPL Windows” on page
28 for more details about how to add this module to your program.
Hold allows the user to adjust the setpoint and will maintain that setpoint until the
unit is taken out of Hold. This means that any change to the scheduled heat or cool
setpoint that occurs while in Hold will be ignored until the unit is taken out of Hold.
Pressing the MODE and FAN buttons simultaneously will cause the unit to enter
Hold if Hold is not yet active and the system mode is Heat, Aux Heat Only or Cool.
Pressing the MODE and FAN buttons simultaneously when Hold is active will
cause the unit to exit from Hold and recall either the scheduled heat setpoint or
scheduled cool setpoint as appropriate to the system mode.
Pressing the MODE and FAN buttons simultaneously when the system mode is Off
will have no effect.
When Hold is active, the unit will continue to adjust the current setpoint when the
or buttons are pressed. The unit will also continue to adjust the current setpoint
when the setpoint signal from the control system changes.
When the system mode changes to Heat or Aux Heat Only, the current setpoint will
be set to the scheduled heat setpoint.
When the system mode changes to Cool, the current setpoint will be set to the
scheduled cool setpoint.
Remote Operation
As an infiNET device, the CHV-TSTATRF can be controlled remotely via a
Crestron control system. Most often, control of the thermostat will be achieved via a
touchpanel or web-based graphical interface. In order to extend battery life, the
thermostat will only communicate with the control system once every 30 seconds or
one minute, based on the infiNET Sleep Time setting. Because of this, there will be a
noticeable delay between the time a button is pressed on a touchpanel and when the
thermostat reacts to the command. To account for this, the CHV-TSTATRF modules
written by Crestron and provided in the Crestron Database will mimic the feedback
from the thermostat so that the user will see an immediate response on the
Likewise, pressing a local button on the thermostat (for example, setpoint raise or
lower) will not cause an immediate change to the corresponding display on a
touchpanel. Instead, the thermostat will wake up approximately 10 seconds after the
last button press to send its updated status to the control system.
NOTE: When the CHV-TSTATRF is powered via a constant 24 VAC supply, it
will not go to sleep.
24 • infiNET™ Thermostat: CHV-TSTATRF Operations & Installation Guide – DOC. 6490