Hard drive release Press and hold release
button on the bottom of button while removing
the computer has not been hard drive from the bay.
Solving Hardware Installation Problems
Some common causes and solutions for hardware installation problems are
listed in the following table.
Table 2-20. Solving Hardware Installation Problems
Problem Probable Cause Solution(s)
A new device is not Cable(s) of new external Ensure that all cables
recognized as part device are loose or are properly and securely
of the computer power cables are connected.
system. unplugged.
Power switch of new Turn off the computer,
external device is not turn on the external
turned on. device, then turn on the
computer to integrate
the device with the
computer system.
Device is not seated Turn off the computer
properly. and reinsert the device.
ISA Card switches or See ISA card
jumpers are not set documentation.
properly or conflict
with other devices.
Solving Infrared Connection Problems
Some common causes and solutions for infrared connection problems are
listed in the following table.
Table 2-21. Solving Infrared Connection Problems
Problem Probable Cause Solution(s)
Cannot link with Interrupt request (IRQ) Check IRQ assignments for
another computer. conflict. conflicts and reassign as
Baud rate conflict. Select the same baud rate
for both computers.
Data transmission Direct sunlight, Remove the interfering
problem fluorescent light, or light sources.
flashing incandescent