o Keyboard Controller Firmware for the Intel 80C51SL
The ROM-based setup has been translated into ten languages in addition to
English. Messages that are displayed by the BIOS which require no user
interaction are displayed in English. This includes POST warning messages,
error messages, and runtime warnings and notifications. Messages that are
displayed by the BIOS which require user interaction are translated into
the same language as Setup.
The graphics controller interfaces with the system through the PCI bus.
The controller provides backward compatible modes to support CGA, EGA,
MGA, and HGA as well as all current VGA and SVGA modes. The controller
supports the internal LCD panels as well as an external CRT and
simultaneously supports the LCD and CRT (except for models with the
11.3-in CSTN SVGA display). The CRT interface is also routed to the either
expansion base through the external options connector. For LCD only and
LCD/CRT simultaneous display modes, the following panel and color
resolutions are supported:
Table 1-6. Maximum Resolutions Supported
Display Type Display Modes Color Depth Supported
640 x 480 CTFT 640 x 480 256, 64K, 16M
800 x 600 CTFT 640 x 480, 800 x 600 256, 64K
640 x 480 CSTN 640 x 480 256, 64K
800 x 600 CSTN 640 x 480, 800 x 600 256
1024 x 768 CTFT 1024 x 768 256
The graphics controller also supports display of real-time video from the
MPEG and TV Video Adapter at a rate of 30 frames per second (fps). It
provides the capability to overlay the video in a Windows screen.
The computer has 1 MB of video DRAM soldered to the system board. There
is no provision for adding additional video memory.
The graphics subsystem is designed to minimize the use of power at all
times. When the system is idle for a set period of time, the controller is
placed in the lowest power state. The LCD panel backlight and panel power
are turned off during periods of inactivity after a timeout as determined
by the user in Computer Setup. The system supports Energy Star monitors
and allows the feature to be turned on/off from Computer Setup.
The computer supports an interface to an MPEG and TV Video Adapter that
attaches to the rear of the computer. The adapter provides up to 30 fps of
live video or MPEG video to the graphics controller for display on the
LCD, a CRT, or a television. The MPEG and TV Video Adapter and CD-ROM