The L2 cache is implemented as direct-mapped, write-back cache with a size
of 256 KB.
The power switch, display switch, and standby (suspend) button are mounted
on the processor board. They are operated by switch actuators mounted on
the CPU cover.
The power switch turns system power on and off. When the switch is pushed
to turn the power off, the system displays a warning message that all
unsaved data will be lost. The shut down process is then completed by
pressing Enter.
The display switch turns the display off and initiates a beep if the
display is closed with the computer on. When used with the standby switch,
the display switch initiates a system restart.
The standby (suspend) button initiates and exits Standby (suspend). As
described above, the standby button, when used with the display switch,
initiates a system restart. When used with the Fn key, the standby button
initiates Hibernation.
The processor board contains 8 MB or 16 MB of onboard memory and can be
expanded to 72 or 80 MB by adding a 64 MB memory expansion board. The
memory expansion boards are available in 8, 16, 32, and 64 MB DRAM
configurations. Each module is composed of two boards assembled together.
The system ROM is shadowed in system memory.
The infrared subsystem (IrDA) provides two-way wireless communication
using infrared as a transmission medium. Proper operation requires the
communicating infrared ports to be within a 30-degree path and no more
than three feet (1 meter) apart.
The processor board must be configured according to the display type. This
is done by setting Jumpers JP2, JP3, and JP4 on the processor board. Use
Table 1-5 to determine proper jumper settings for the display.
Table 1-5. Display Configuration Jumpers
Display Type Jumper JP3 Jumper JP2 Jumper JP4
LTE 5000 10.4 in VGA CSTN 1-2 2-3 1-2
LTE 5000 10.4 in VGA CTFT 2-3 2-3 1-2
LTE 5000 11.3 in SVGA CSTN 1-2 2-3 2-3
LTE 5100 10.4 in SVGA CTFT 2-3 2-3 2-3
LTE 5200 10.4 in SVGA CTFT 2-3 2-3 2-3
LTE 5280 11.3 in SVGA CTFT 2-3 2-3 2-3
LTE 5300 12.1 in SVGA CTFT 2-3 2-3 2-3
LTE 5150 Rev. 4X 11.3 in
SVGA CSTN 1-2 1-2 1-2
LTE 5150 Rev. 2X SVGA CSTN 2-3 1-2 1-2