Charge the Battery
The batterychargeswhen the garage door opener
isplugged into a 110Vacelectrical outletthathas
power and requires 24 hoursto fullycharge.A fully
charged batterysupplies12Vdcto the garage door
opener for one to two daysofnormal operation
during an electrical power outage. After the
electrical power hasbeen restored,the batterywill
recharge within 24 hours.The battery will last
approximately1 to 2 yearswith normal usage.
Instructionsfor replacementare provided with the
battery.To obtain maximumbatterylife and prevent
damage,disconnectthe battery when the garage
door opener isunplugged for an extended period
oftime,such asa summer or winter home.
NOTE: When the garage door opener isin battery
backup mode the garage door opener lights,
Timer-to-Close,and Remote Close featuresare
Battery status LED
All systemsare normal.
• A solid green LED lightindicates the batteryis
• A flashing green LEDindicates the batteryis
being charged.
The garage door opener haslostpower and isin
battery backup mode.
• A solid orange LEDwith beep,sounding
approximatelyevery2 seconds, indicatesthe
garage door opener isoperating on battery
• A flashing orange LED with beep,sounding
every30 seconds, indicatesthe batteryis low.
The garage door opener's 12V batteryneedsto be
• A solid red LEDwith beep,sounding every 30
seconds,indicates the 12V batterywill no
longer hold a charge and needsto be
replaced.Replace the batteryback up to
maintain the batterybackup feature.
NOTE: The BatteryStatus LEDis mostvisible with
the garage door opener lightoff.Batterydoesnot
have to be fullycharged to operate the garage
door opener.
Battery Backup