To preventpossible OVERHEATNG ofthe end panel or lightsocket:
• Use ONLY A19 incandescentor compactfluorescent lightbulbs.
• DO NOTuse incandescentbulbslarger than 100W.
• DO NOTuse compactfluorescentlightbulbslarger than 26W (100W) equivalent.
• DO NOTuse halogen bulbs.
• DO NOTuse shortneckor specialty lightbulbs.
6.1 Pull on the top sidesof the lightlensand
rotate the lightlensdown.
6.2 Insert an A19 incandescent or compact
fluorescentlight bulb (100 wattmaximum),
into the lightsocket.
6.3 Rotate the lensup to close.
NOTE: The use ofshortneckor speciality light
bulbsmayoverheatthe end panel or lightsocket.
7 Attach the emergency release rope and handle
To preventpossible SERIOUS INJURY orDEATHfroma falling garage door:
• Ifpossible, use emergencyrelease handle to disengage trolleyONLY when garage door is
CLOSED.Weak orbroken springsor unbalanced door could resultin an open door falling
rapidlyand/or unexpectedly.
• NEVER use emergencyrelease handle unlessgarage doorwayis clear ofpersonsand
• NEVER use handle to pull door open or closed.Ifrope knotbecomesuntied,you could fall.
7.1 Insert one end ofthe emergencyrelease
rope through the handle.Make sure that
“NOTICE” isrightside up.Tie a knotat
least1 inch (2.5 cm) fromthe end ofthe
emergency release rope.
7.2 Insert the other end of the emergency
release rope through the hole in the
trolleyrelease arm.Make sure the
handle is6 feet(1.83 m) above the floor
and secure with a knot.
NOTE: Ifitisnecessaryto cutthe emergency
release rope,seal the cut end with a match or
lighter to preventunraveling.Ensure the
emergency release rope and handle are
above the top ofall vehiclesto avoid
6 Install the light bulbs