To reduce the riskofFIRE or INJURY to persons:
• DisconnectALL electricand batterypower
BEFORE performing ANY service or
• Use ONLY Chamberlain part# 41A6357-1
for replacementbattery.
• DO NOTdispose ofbatteryin fire.Battery may
explode.Check with local codes for disposal
1 Install the battery
1.1 Unplug the garage door opener.
1.2 Open the lightlens on the rightside panel ofthe garage door opener. Use a Phillips
head screwdriver to remove the batterycover on the garage door opener.
1.3 Partiallyinsertthe batteryinto the battery compartment with the terminalsfacing out.
1.4 Connectred (+) and black(-) wiresfromthe garage door opener to the
corresponding terminals on the battery.
1.5 Replace the batterycover.
1.6 Plug in the garage door opener.
1.7 Waitfor the green BatteryStatus LEDto startflashing before proceeding to testthe
ALWAYS wear protective gloves and eye
protection when changing the batteryor working
around the battery compartment.
2 Test the battery
Unplug the garage door
opener.The battery statusLED
will either glow solid orange
indicating opener isoperating
on battery power or will flash
indicating lowbatterypower.
NOTE: Make sure the garage
door opener isunplugged.
Open and close the door using the
remote control or door control.
NOTE: The garage door opener may
run slower if the batteryis notfully
charged.The batterywill take 24 hours
to fullycharge.
2.3 Plug in the garage door opener.Verify
the batterystatusLED flashing green,
indicating the battery is charging.
Battery Backup