In this chapter, TFORMAT.EXE, the formatter for F-ROM drive (D:) of IT-2000, is explained.
The TFORMAT.EXE is necessary to format the drive (D:). It is resided in the basic drive (C:).
The syntax of the TFORMAT command is;
TFORMAT [drive-letter]
Example of Syntax : TFORMAT 2 /SPARE:64
Even if the TFORMAT.EXE is excuted with option attached, the usage of program can be observed
The following options are supported only by IT-2000.
DOS drive letter of the F-ROM drive. The drive number of F-ROM in IT-2000 is
set to 2. Always specify “2” for the drive.
A string to be used as the DOS label of the formatted medium.
Leave n Flash erase units as spare units for garbage collection. The default is 1.
At least one unit should be specified for the Flash medium to operate as a true
read-write device. More than one spare unit may be specified to format media that
have bad Flash units.
In such a case the number of spare units should exceed the number of bad units
by at least 1. It is also possible to specify more than one spare unit in anticipation
of Flash units becoming in the future.
A value of 0 spare units may be specified to create a WORM (Write-Once-Read-
Many) disk. When formatting with this option, the Flash medium can be written
once only, after which it will become a read-only medium. File System will report
that the medium is write-protected when space for writing is exhausted.
This option provides very limited functionality, and should not be used except in
special cases. The option has the advantage of lowering the formatting overhead
of File System, since a spare Flash erase zone is not needed for spare reclamation.
Do not pause for confirmation before beginning to format.