Setting/Acquisition of ABC Threshold
The ABC (Auto Backlight Control) function is used to sense the ambient light intensity and
automatically turns ON/OFF the backlight. This function is used to set marginal levels across
which the backlight changes from ON to OFF or from OFF to ON.
If the readout on the AD converter falls below OnValue, the backlight turns on, and if it exceeds
OffValue, the backlight turns off. If these two levels are identical or too close each other, the
backlight may flicker. To avoid this problem set OnValue so that it is slightly less than OffValue.
int SYS_SetThresholdOfABC(int OnValue, int OffValue);
OnValue = 0 to 255
OffValue = 0 to 255
= 0 Normal
= - 2 No response from KBC
= - 3 VxD not registered (for IT-2000W only)
int SYS_GetThresholdOfABC(int *OnValue, int *OffValue);
OnValue = Pointer to the area in which the ON threshold value is stored.
OffValue = Pointer to the area in which the OFF threshold value is stored.
= 0 Normal
= -2 No response from KBC
= -3 VxD not registered (for IT-2000W only)