/BN Specification of a baud rate (If omitted, 2 (9600 bps) is employed.)
N = 0: 2,400 bps
1: 4,800 bps
2: 9,600 bps
3: 19,200 bps
4: 23,040 bps
5: 28,800 bps
6: 38,400 bps
7: 57,600 bps
8: 115,200 bps
/P For file transmission via YMODEM protocol this option sets a pathname on the
destination side from the pathname of the object file that exists on the transmission
source. This file name must be specified by its full pathname.
/PXXX Modifies the pathname of a file to be transmitted via YMODEM protocol.
XXX= path (maximum 250 characters)
/U With this option if a wild card is used for a file name to be transmitted via YMODEM
protocol, files included in the sub-directory can be the objectives of file transmission.
This option is also used to mirror-copy a drive.
File name
XMODEM: Transmission (/SX) : Specify only one file.
Reception (/RX) : Specify one file name.
* Multiple files cannot be used.
* Wild cards cannot be specified.
YMODEM: Transmission (/SY) : Specify file names. Multiple files can be specified as a
lump. If specifying multiple files, separate each of them
using a space. Wild cards (*, ?) can be used.
Reception (/RY) : Wild cards cannot be used.