k Inputting a Formula into a Cell
For the sake of example, let’s try making a table that contains data based on the formula
<PRICE> × <QUANTITY> = <TOTAL>. To do this, we would put <PRICE> values in column
A, <QUANITY> values in column B, and calculation formulas (like = A1 × B1, = A2 × B2, and
so on) in column C. If the Auto Calc feature is enabled (On), the values in column C would be
recalculated and updated any time we change the values in column A or B.
In this example, note that we must start out the data in column C with the equal sign (=) in
order to indicate it is a formula. In addition to values, arithmetic operators, and cell reference
names, a formula also can contain built-in function commands (page 3-10) and special S
mode commands (page 7-15).
u Formula Input Example
2 35 15 525
3 52 15 780
4 78 20 1560
1. Input the text for line 1, and the applicable values in cells A2 through B4.
2. Move the cursor to cell C2, and input the formula for A2 × B2.
a6(SYBL)5(=) J1(A-E)1(A)c*a2(B)cw
3. Copy the formula in cell C2 and copy it into cells C3 and C4. Move the cell cursor to cell C2
and then perform the following operation.
• For details about the copy and paste operations, see
“Copying and Pasting Cell Contents” (page 7-11).
k Inputting a Cell Reference Name
Each cell on a spreadsheet has what is called a “reference name”, which is derived by
combining its column name (A through Z) with its row name (1 through 999). A cell reference
name can be used inside of a formula, which makes the value of the called cell part of the
formula. See “Inputting a Formula into a Cell” above for more information. There are two
methods you can use to input a cell reference name: direct input of the name and input using
the GRAB command. The following illustrates how you would use each of these methods to
input =A1+5 into cell B1.