k Converting Programs and Text Files
You can convert programs created on this calculator to a text file, and then use a text editor
or other application on your computer to edit them. You also can convert text files created and
edited on your computer to a program that can be run by the calculator.
k Deleting a Program
u To delete a specific program
1. While the program list is on the display, use f and c to move the highlighting to the
name of the program you want to delete.
2. Press 4(DEL).
3. Press 1(YES) to delete the selected program or 6(NO) to abort the operation without
deleting anything.
u Program and Text File Conversion Rules
Conversion of program and text files is subject to the following rules.
• Certain characters in the program name are automatically replaced and the result is
assigned as the file name whenever you convert a program to a text file. When you convert
from a text file to a program, the program name is assigned by converting in the opposite
Program Name Characters Text File Name Characters
r _r_
Leading/trailing spaces _s_
" _q_
Leading/trailing dots _p_
× _x_
÷ _d_
+ _+_
− _-_
• The following header information is added to the text file when converting from a program to
a text file.
'Program Mode: RUN (RUN Mode program)
'Program Mode: BASE (BASE Mode program)
• Converting a text file that contains the above header information to a program converts to a
program of the mode specified in the header information. The header information line text is
not included in the converted program.
• Converting a program to a text file causes all CASIO scientific function calculator-specific
commands in the program to be replaced by special corresponding character strings.
Conversely, converting from a text file to a program converts the special character strings
back to their corresponding commands. For information about program commands and their
corresponding special character strings, see “CASIO Scientific Function Calculator Special
Commands ⇔ Text Conversion Table” (page 6-34).