Function: Switches the load target cell of the CSV file to the next cell, and outputs attribute
information of the new load target cell in list format.
Syntax: LoadNextCell
Example: LoadNextCell→
List 20
• After opening a CSV file with OpenCSV, this command must be executed once before using
GetCellValue or GetCellString to get data from a file. Executing this command after opening
a CSV file uses the first cell in the file as the data load target. After that, each executing shift
the load focus to the next cell.
• Each execution of this command outputs the attributes of the load target cell in the following
list format {status, row number, column number}. Status is assigned one of the integers
described below.
0: Null data; 1: Value; 2: Text string (non-value data); −1: File end
−1 (file end) is returned when LoadNextCell is executed while the load target cell is last cell
(in a 3×3 CSF file, for example, Cell C3) in the CSF file. Executing LoadNextCell again after
file end is returned results in an error (Range ERROR).
Function: Gets the data in the load target cell in the CSV file and outputs it as a value.
Syntax: GetCellValue
Example: GetCellValue
→List 1[N]
The above gets the data of the load target cell and assigns the value to the
element in List 1.
Description: Executing this command when the data of the load target cell is not value data
or null data results in an error (Data ERROR).
Function: Gets the data in the load target cell in the CSV file and outputs it as a text string.
Syntax: GetCellString
Example: GetCellString→Str 1
The above gets the data of the load target cell and assigns it to Str1 as a text string.
Description: Executing this command when the data of the load target cell is value data does
not result in an error.