
The match strings are regular expressions where “%H” is a placeholder for the target name you
want to detect, such as:
\\(.*\\)(%H)\\(.*\\)” or just “xxx%Hyyy”.
The first one will extract target name from things such as:
nanana(myTarget): à results: myTarget
jhdsgjhas(tg2)kjafja à results: tg2
But would match for:
hsagdfjhagfxxxTARGETyyyyyy à resulting: TARGET
To configure the strings for probe/match used by auto discovery:
Perform this procedure to change the default settings or the probe or match strings used in auto
1. Select Ports - CAS Profile - Auto Discovery. The Settings, Probe Strings and Match Strings
options appear in the Side Navigation Bar.
2. To change the default auto discovery time-out or probe time-out, perform the following
a. Select Settings.
b. Enter a new value in the Auto Discovery Timeout and Probe Timeout fields.
c. Click Save.
3. To add a new probe or match string or delete an existing string, perform the following
a. Select Probe Strings or Match Strings.
b. To add a string, click Add, enter a new string in the New Probe String or New Match
String field and click Save.
c. To delete a string, select the checkbox for the string and click Delete.
4. Click Save.
To configure the input/output strings used by auto answer:
1. Select Ports - CAS Profile - Auto Answer.
2. To add an auto answer input and output string, click Add. Enter a new string in the Input
String or Output String fields and click Save.
Chapter 3: Accessing a Virtual Console Server via the Web Manager 33