web server in the Online Help URL field. Click Save.
Online help
When the online help feature is configured for your virtual console server, clicking the Help
button from any form on the web manager opens a new window and redirects its content to the
configured path for the online help product documentation.
NOTE: Usingtheonlinehelpfeature from theAvocentweb siteisnotalwayspossibledue tofirewallconfigurations,
nor isitrecommended. Itisgenerallyadvisablefor youto usetheonlinehelpsystem provided withthe productor
downloadthe onlinehelp.zipfileand runitfrom alocalserver.
The system administrator can download the online help from Avocent. For more information on
downloading the online help, contact Technical Support.
Once the online help file is obtained (in zip format), the files must be extracted and put in to a
user-selected directory under the web server’s root directory. The web server must be publicly
NOTE: The defaultURL for onlinehelpishttp://global.avocent.com/us/olh/acsv6000/v_2.3.0/en/index.html.
Click System-Information to view the console server’s identity, versions and CPU information.
Click System-Usage to view memory and disk usage.
VM Settings
Click System-VMSettings to configure the vCenter and to manage associations and licenses.
VMSerial Ports
Click System-VM Settings-VM Serial Ports to view all current associations between the virtual
servers and the ACSv6000 virtual console server's serial ports. From this page, you can add,
delete or resync associations. To delete an association, check the box next to the association(s)
you want to delete and then click Delete. To resync all associations, click Resync.
NOTE: Changesinthe vSPC port configuration or in the ACSv6000virtualconsoleserver'sIPaddressmay
requiretheassociationto beresynced.
To add an association by Virtual Machine ID:
1. Click the Add button and select Virtual Machine ID in the Search Available Machines By
Chapter 3: Accessing a Virtual Console Server via the Web Manager 19