To copy/clone the configuration of one port to other ports:
1. Select Ports - Serial Ports.
2. Click the checkbox for the serial port you want to clone.
3. Click the Clone button.
4. Enter the serial port(s) to be configured in the Copy Configuration To field and click Save.
NOTE: Iftheselectedportisconfiguredasa CASProfile, thefollowingparameterswillnotbe copied:Port Name,
TCPPort Alias,IPv4Port AliasandIPv6PortAlias.
To reset one or more serial ports to their factory configuration:
1. Select Ports - Serial Ports.
2. Click the checkbox for one or more serial ports you want to reset to their factory
configuration, then click the Reset To Factory button.
NOTE: Serialportsare set tothe CASProfileand disabledinthe factoryconfiguration.
CAS Profile
An administrator can configure settings for auto discovery and for auto answer features.
Auto discovery
The auto discovery feature will discover the target name of the server connected to the serial
port. This name will be used as the alias of the serial port.
When auto discovery is active for a certain serial device, upon target connection (DCD ON
event), the appliance will send probe strings and start analyzing target device answers using
regular expressions. There will be predefined probe and match strings as well as customer-
defined ones.
For each probe string sent, all regular expressions defined by the match strings will be tested.
After the last cycle, the sequence restarts. This procedure will run for a certain period (given by
the auto discovery time-out parameter) or until the target is successfully detected. If auto
discovery fails, the target name will be reset to the configured target name or to the
corresponding unique default target name.
NOTE: The configured target name willbeusedonlyafter theauto discoveryprocessfails.
NOTE: The autodiscoveryprocessstartswhen there isvariationinthe DCD signalfromOFF toON
(disconnect/connectthe target'scable,turn off/on thetarget) and whenthe configurationof the serialportgoes
from disabledto enabledandthere isa target connectedinthe port.
The probe strings will be used to stimulate the server (such as “\n”: a single newline).
32 ACS v6000 Installation/Administration/User Guide