> Printing Using the Operation Panel of the Machine > Copying
> Using Useful Copy Functions
Using Useful Copy Functions
Special Copy
Choose the copy method according to your purpose.
Refer to
Settings for Special Copy for how to select the copy method.
Two-sided copy
You can copy two original pages onto the both sides of a single sheet of paper.
Copying onto Both Sides of the Paper (Two-Sided Copy)
Borderless copy
You can copy images so that they fill the entire page without borders.
Copying without Borders (Borderless Copy)
2-on-1 copy
You can copy two original pages onto a single sheet of paper by reducing each image.
Copying Two Pages to Fit onto a Single Page (2-on-1 Copy)
4-on-1 copy
You can copy four original pages onto a single sheet of paper by reducing each image. Four
different layouts are available.
Copying Four Pages to Fit onto a Single Page (4-on-1 Copy)
Image repeat
You can copy an image multiple times onto a single page. You can set the machine to
automatically select the number of times it repeats the image, or you can specify the number.
Repeating an Image on a Page (Image Repeat)
Frame erase
When copying thick originals such as books, you can make a copy without black margins
around the image and gutter shadows.
Copying Thick Originals Such as Books (Frame Erase)
You can clip (trim) a necessary part of the original to copy.
Copying a Specified Area (Trimming)
You can erase (mask) a specified part of the original to copy.
Copying Images with Erasing a Part (Masking)
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