
Step 3 • Adjusting Images
Click the [Image] menu and
select [Adjust] or click the
[Adjust] button.
Histogram Tab
Select the Histogram Tab
Set the shadow value with the slider or by inputting a
value (0-254) in the box. Click the black pointer tool and
click on an area of the image to set it to black (0).
Automatically sets the highlight and shadow settings.
Set the highlight value with the slider or by inputting a
value (1-255) in the box. Click the white pointer tool and
click on an area of the image to set it to white (255).
Loads settings from files with the extension [.adc] for
color images or [.adg] for grayscale images.
Saves settings to a file with the extension [.adc] for color
images or [.adg] for grayscale images.
Click here to change all three RGB channels at once.
Click one of these to change any one of the R, G or B channels.
Cancels the settings and closes the dialog.
Accepts the settings and closes the dialog.
Resets all the settings to the initial values.
Resets the histogram to its starting values.
Adjusting a Histogram (Expert Mode)
In expert mode, the highlights and shadows of 24-Bit Color, 36-Bit Color, 8-Bit
Grayscale and 12-Bit Grayscale images can be adjusted with histograms. This
method is used when you wish to change the portions of an image with extreme
highlights and shadows and to emphasize the halftone gradient. You can save and
reload the corrected values, which is useful when you wish to rescan the same
image without going through the color correction procedures.
Histogram Tab
Change the settings with the slider or by directly inputting values into the boxes.
You can save and reload the settings.