
Step 3 • Adjusting Images
Image Adjustment Commands
Scanned image data is loaded as dots into CanoCraft FS. Each dot is assigned
various brightness and color values (tones). CanoCraft FS is equipped with several
color correction functions that use or change these values to adjust image
brightness and coloring.
Adjusting Highlights and Shadows (Easy Mode: pp. 55, 57)
Corrects the brightness of the entire image. Use this
method if the original document is too bright or dark.
This method can be used on these image types:
8-Bit Grayscale/24-Bit Color
Adjusting the Color Balance (Easy Mode: p. 56)
Corrects the color balance of the entire image. Use this
method if certain color tones are too strong or weak
relative to others.
This method can be used on these image types:
24-Bit Color
Adjusting the Histogram (Expert Mode: p. 58)
A histogram shows the concentrations of dots at
particular brightness levels. Halftone gradations can be
smoothened by adjusting the highest level of
brightness (highlights) or darkness (shadows).
This method can be used on these image types:
8-Bit Grayscale/12-Bit Grayscale/24-Bit Color/36-Bit Color
Adjusting Brightness/Contrast (Expert Mode: p. 61)
The brightness setting changes the luminescence of the
entire image. The contrast setting adjusts the
difference between the light and dark areas. Use this
method if the original document is too bright, too dark
or out of focus.
This method can be used on these image types:
8-Bit Grayscale/12-Bit Grayscale/24-Bit Color/36-Bit Color