Chapter 4: LANVIEW LEDs
4-4 HSIM-F6 User’s Guide
• Wrap-A - The flow of the primary ring is entering through port A
(primary in) and is wrapped by the HSIM-F6, causing the ring to exit
through port A (secondary out). Port B is disconnected from the ring.
If the HSIM-F6 LED state indicates “Wrap-A” the ring has lost the
redundancy of the secondary ring due to the wrapped condition. This
configuration should be repaired, as additional problems could isolate
stations from the FDDI ring.
• Wrap-B - The flow of the primary ring is entering through port B
(secondary in) and is wrapped by the HSIM-F6, causing the ring to
exit through port B (primary out). Port A is disconnected from the
ring. If the HSIM-F6 LED state indicates “Wrap-B” the ring has lost
the redundancy of the secondary ring due to the wrapped condition.
This configuration should be repaired, as additional problems could
isolate stations from the FDDI ring.
• Isolated - Both port A and port B are isolated from the ring.
• Dual Homed (Default) - The flow of the primary ring is entering
through port B (primary in) and is wrapped by the HSIM-F6, causing
the ring to exit through port B (secondary out). Port A is in standby
mode, and will take over the functions of port B if port B leaves the
ring. This LED sequence is the default setting if the HSIM-F6 is
configured to be a dual homed device.
• Dual Homed (Modified) - The flow of the primary ring is entering
through port B (primary in) and is wrapped by the HSIM-F6, causing
the ring to exit through port B (secondary out). Port A is in standby
mode, and will take over the functions of port B if port B leaves the
ring. This dual homed LED sequence is set by setting the OID
ctsmtmibDualHomeWrpLEDStatus to off.
• Twisted Ring (A-A, B-B) - This condition indicates that the A port
of the HSIM-F6 is connected to the A port of another device, and the
B port of the HSIM-F6 is connected to the B port of the other device.
This is an undesirable ring condition and should be repaired as some
stations could be isolated from the primary ring.