
HSIM-F6 LED State Definitions
HSIM-F6 User’s Guide 4-3
Table 4-3 A, B, P, S LED Definitions
Through-A - The flow of the primary ring is entering the MAC from
port A (primary ring in) and exiting through port B (primary ring out).
The secondary ring is isolated from the MAC with the flow entering
from port B (secondary ring in) and exiting through port A (secondary
ring out).
Through-B - The flow of the primary ring is entering the MAC from
port B (primary ring in) and exiting through port A (primary ring out).
The secondary ring is isolated from the MAC with the flow entering
from port A (secondary ring in) and exiting through port B (secondary
ring out).
A B P S Definition
Green Green Green Off Through-A
Green Green Off Green Through-B
Green Off/Amber Green Amber Wrap-A
Off/Amber Green Green Amber Wrap-B
Off Green Green Amber Dual Homed (Default)
Off Green Green Off Dual Homed (Modified)
Off/Amber Off/Amber Off Off Isolated
Green Green Amber Amber Twisted Ring (A-A, B-B)
Green Off/Amber Amber Amber Twisted Ring
Off/Amber Green Amber Amber Twisted Ring
Green Green Green Green Full Duplex
Green Off Green Off Wrap S (Port A)
Off Green Green Off Wrap S (Port B)