Baracoda DualRunners – User Guide v1.7 - 7 -
Data Capture
for Workforce
in Motion
Single Blinks (e.g. *pause*pause*…) The scanner is ready to be connected
Double fast Blinks (e.g. **pause**pause**…) The scanner is connected
The led colour is Green The Scanner is set in Real Time mode or in Master mode
The Led Colour is Orange The Scanner is set in Batch mode
The Led Colour is blinking Orange/Green
The Scanner is set in Batch mode, but no barcode is
stored in the memory
One Single long Blink (green colour) The scanner has just read and decoded a barcode or a tag
One Single long Blink (orange colour)
The scanner is set in Master mode and is trying to connect
to the Host address
The Led Colour is blinking Orange The reader is trying to read a Tag (Smart Autoscan mode)
Double fast Blinks Red
Battery level is low. Please recharge the battery
One Single long Blink Red + Green (solid) The scanner is charging
Green (solid) The scanner is fully charged
Special cases:
Both LEDs blinks orange
The scanner is set in the “Real Time with No Data Loss
mode” but with no bufferisation (buffer configured to 0)
and is not connected. In this particular situation the RFID
antenna and the scanner beam are disabled: impossible to
read barcodes/tags in this mode.