On-site Preparation for the Upgrade
Issue 9.1 June 2006 679
To copy the 4600-series configuration file to a safe location, perform the following steps:
1. Access the server’s command line interface using telnet and an IP address of
2. Log in as craft.
3. At the Linux command line, type cd /tftpboot, and press Enter.
4. At the prompt, type ls 46*, and press Enter.
If a named 46xxsettings.txt may appear in the list, or the prompt may reappear with no
files listed. If the file name does not appear, there is no file to copy. You are finished with this
5. If the file name 46xxsettings.txt appears,at the Linux command line, type cp
46xxsettings.txt ~ftp/pub .
The 4600-series phone settings file is now in a protected directory, /var/home/ftp/pub, and
will not be overwritten during the upgrade. You will copy this file back to the /tftpboot
directory after the upgrade.
Getting IA770 (AUDIX) Data and Stopping IA770
(if IA770 is being used)
Skip to Backing up S8300 recovery system files on page 683 if IA770 is not being used.
If IA770 is being used, you need to collect optional language data (if this had not been done
before arriving at the site), leave a test message, and shut down IA770 before backing up the
Determining whether optional languages are needed
To determine the system language
1. On the Maintenance Web Interface, under Miscellaneous select Messaging
2. Select Global Administration; then Messaging Administration.
3. Enter the craft password.
4. At the command prompt, enter display system-parameters features.
5. Go to page 3.