Post-upgrade tasks
Issue 9.1 June 2006 291
To busy out trunks
1. Busy out trunks that were busied out before the upgrade (see Pre-Upgrade Tasks — If the
S8300 is the primary controller on page 241).
To check for translation corruption
1. Type newterm and press Enter.
If you do not get a login prompt and see the following message:
Warning: Translation corruption detected
follow the normal escalation procedure for translation corruption before continuing the
To resolve alarms
1. On the Maintenance Web Interface, under Alarms click Current Alarms to examine the
alarm log.
2. If any alarms are listed, click Clear All.
3. Resolve new alarms since the upgrade through Communication Manager using the
appropriate maintenance reference.
To re-enable alarm origination
1. Access the server’s command line interface using an SSH client, like PuTTY, and an IP
address of
2. At the command prompt, type almenable -d b -s y
-d b sets the dialout option to both (numbers)
-s y enables SNMP alarm origination
3. Type almenable (without any options) to verify the alarm origination status.
To back up the system
Using the Maintenance Web Interface, back up the system as you did before the upgrade
selecting Save Translations and all backup sets.