Before going to the customer site
Issue 9.1 June 2006 669
● Software service pack files (most recent version)
● G700 firmware file (most recent version)
Checking the CD for the most recent firmware files
The firmware on the Communication Manager software distribution CD may not be the most
recent. Therefore, check the firmware versions contained on the software CD to verify that you
have the latest before installing the firmware using the LSP’s TFTP server. You can do this by
accessing the CD on your laptop and displaying the actual firmware filenames in the Releases\
<release_number>\Gateways directory.
For example, the CD may contain a file mm760v60.fdl, but the most recent firmware available
on the Avaya Web site is mm760v65.fdl. In this case, download the mm760v65.fdl file from the
Web site for installation instead of installing the file from the CD. As another example, the CD
may contain the mgp_25_23_0.bin media gateway file, and the Avaya Web site also contains
mgp_25_23_0.bin. In this case, you could use the firmware from the CD because the versions
of the files are the same.
CAUTION: If you are a customer administrator, you might be required to access the
Download Center Web site in order to download firmware. For instructions on
setting up access to the Download Center, access http://support.avaya.com
click on the appropriate links.
Obtaining service pack files
Pre- and post-upgrade service packs may be needed for this upgrade. If the service pack files
are not on your software CD, download the service pack files from the Avaya Support web site
to your laptop.
Pre-upgrade service pack (starting from R2.x only)
This upgrade requires a pre-upgrade service pack. The service pack filename differs,
depending on which software load the media server is on. See Table 42: Pre-Upgrade service
pack filenames for software release and load for the software load associated with each