Chapter 6 Avaya P130 CLI
120 Avaya P130 User’s Guide
Show dscp Command
Use the show dscp command to see the DSCP table.
The syntax for this command is:
show dscp
P130-1# show dscp
set qos trust trust-cos
DSCP table validity status: Valid
DSCP Action Precedence ApplicStatus ApplicType Name
---- ------ ---------- ------------- ------------- ----------
5 fwd3 mandatory applicable quasi-static DSCP #5
21 fwd6 mandatory applicable quasi-static DSCP #21
45 fwd7 mandatory applicable quasi-static DSCP #45
60 fwd1 mandatory applicable quasi-static DSCP #60
ip access-group Command
Use the ip access-group command to activate a specific policy list. To
deactivate the policy list, use the no version of this command.
The syntax for this command is:
[no] [ip] access-group <policy-list-number>[<default-action>]
P130-1# ip access-group 101
Policy list 101 was activated successfully
<priority-list-number> Integer (100..199)
<default-action> default-action-deny|default-action-permit