Chapter 6 Avaya P130 CLI
110 Avaya P130 User’s Guide
Rmon history Command
Use the rmon history command to create an RMON history entry.
The syntax for this command is:
rmon history <history index> <interface> interval <interval>
buckets <number of buckets> owner <owner name>
P130-1# rmon history 1026 1026 interval 30 buckets 20 owner
history 1026 was created successfully
Show rmon history Command
Use the show rmon history command to show the most recent RMON history
log for a given History Index. The history index is defined using the rmon
history command (see Rmon history Command) or using an RMON management
The syntax for this command is:
show rmon history [<History Index>]
P130-N> show rmon history 1026
Entry 1026 is active, owned by amir
Monitors ifEntry.1.1026 every 30 seconds
<history_index> The history index number of this entry (it is advisable to
use the same interface number as your history index
<interface> The interface number is a unique number for each port
which can be calculated as follows:
1024 x Module Number + Port Number
For example: Port 3 in Module 1 has an Inter Number of
<interval> The interval between 2 samples
<number of buckets> The number of buckets defined
<owner name> Owner name string