
Chapter 8 TSPLogger
CPSEE_TSP500 User Guide Version 4.0 Page 8-13
This document is confidential and proprietary to SER Solutions and is not for external use.
nohup tsprelay_sco &
For a Call Manager running Linux, it would be
nohup tsprelay_lx &
The TspRelay will exit abnormally for the following reasons:
The file “relay.conf” is not present, or has insufficient privileges to allow
the TspRelay to open it.
The receive port cannot be opened. This could be because the TspRelay
was not started with root privileges, or the port is already in use by some
other application.
An error is detected when attempting to open the socket.
An error is detected when reading or writing the socket.
TspRelay receives and sends UDP datagrams.
If the file “relay.conf” file cannot be found or opened in the /etc directory,
the TspRelay will look for the file in the /tmp directory. This is mainly
for testing the TspRelay without having to run as root.
TspRelay should use very little CPU. It generally sleeps waiting for a
message on the receive port. Once a valid message is received, it is trans-
mitted out the “send port” intact. The TspRelay does not modify the mes-
Rlogger is a program that sits on the TSP in the directory /usr/bin. It pro-
vides the capability to send TspLogger messages from the command line or
script files.
Rlogger use the same configuration parameters as the TspLogger (specified in
the syslog.cnf file in the /opt/ser/cfg directory.
rlogger “hello world”
The above example would send the text hello world to the TspLogger.
The text string must be double
quoted. Rlogger is a Linux
based executable. Although
not developed for the Call
manager, tt could be placed on
a Linux based Call Manager to
allow script files on the Call
Manager to send event mes-
sages to the TspLogger.