Chapter 5 Admin Terminal Commands
Page 5-30 Version 4.0 CPSEE_TSP500 User Guide
This document is confidential and proprietary to SER Solutions and is not for external use.
show errors
Displays various error counts, and some statistics.
Table 5-17: show dstation.
Command Description
DS# Digital Station Number.
Type Type of digital station. (out = outbound)
MTX Matrix number associated with this digital station.
HOOK Hook state. (ON or OFF)
Camp Campaign Number if logged into a campaign, otherwise 0.
ListenTo[Matrix] Trunk, Station, DSP device the digital station is listening to and its
matrix number. Trunk, Station, and DSP are respectively displayed as
T<xxx>, S<xxx>, D<xxx> where <xxx> is the actual Trunk, Station,or
DSP number.
Queue Name of the queue the digital station is currently on.
trk Trunk currently connected to. (0= no connection)
teln Telephone Number if connected to a call.
Table 5-18: show errors.
Command Description
Call Count of times an attempt to launch a call failed.
CallProg Count of times an attempt to start Call Progress
detection failed.
DropCall Count of times an attempt to drop a call failed.
Connect Count of times an attempt to connect devices
TaskFail Count of times NMS was unable to perform a DSP
ZapprCnt Count of times a telemarketing zapper was
TrunkErr Count of times a Dial failed for any reason.
UnsolErr Count of times unexpected events were received.
DialTMO Count of times we never detected any Call