Chapter 6 Trunk Spans and Dialing Rules
Page 6-12 Version 4.0 CPSEE_TSP500 User Guide
This document is confidential and proprietary to SER Solutions and is not for external use.
Specifies other area codes that have telephone numbers local to you.
Associated with each Area Code is exchanges within the specified Area Code
that are local to your TSP. These exchanges are specified in the keywords
LOCAL_EXCHANGE_0 are the local exchanges that are local within your
Area Code.
This keyword specifies the preferred trunk group to use when dialing local
telephone numbers. This is a trunk preference, not a guaranteed assignment.
That is, if at the time of the dial request, no trunks are available in that speci-
fied trunk group, a search will begin for a trunk in another group.
This keyword identifies a line of text that will appear when Admin Terminal
command ver is invoked. This text can be anything, but is usually delegated
to the Customer Name and CPS Enterprise Edition number.
This keyword specifies the preferred trunk group to use when dialing Long
Distance telephone numbers. This is a trunk preference, and not a guaranteed
assignment. That is, if at the time of the dial request, no trunks are available
in that specified trunk group, a search will begin for a trunk in another group.
This keyword defines the maximum size of a TSP log file in one megabyte
increments. The default is 520 (520 megabytes). There can be up to seven
TSP log files (one for each day of the week). So, the maximum disk space
used for TSP logging will be seven times the value of this keyword (3.64
This keyword defines the number of consecutive trunk errors that must occur
before a trunk is temporarily disabled. See keyword
This keyword specifies the preferred trunk group to use when dialing Intra-
Latta telephone numbers. Intra-Latta numbers are those numbers that are in
our Area Code, but not considered local. This is a trunk preference, and not a
Only one area code can be
specified per