Policy Manager - My Certificates
Issue 4 May 2005 243
7. From the Target Type drop-down, select the type of target for the certificate.
● IP Address. Select to show the Enter Target Address text boxes. Type in the address of
any IKE compatible device as a target. Typically, this is a VSU.
● VPN. Select to show the Select Target VPN list. VPN objects that have been created
appears in the list. Select a specific VPN to be a target for the certificate. This only
applies to Avaya Inc. VSUs of Version 3.0 and higher.
● FQDN. Select to show the Enter Target Information text box. Type in the Fully Qualified
Domain Name (FQDN) to identify the target by its absolute name. For example, a target
having the name xyz and a root of vpnet.com, has an absolute name of xyz.vpnet.com.
The DNS Server that is used is configured from the DNS tab on page 63
● e-mail. Select this item to show the Enter Target Information text box. Type in an e-mail
address to identify the target by an e-mail address.
● Directory Name. Select this item to show the Enter Target Information text box. Type in
an e-mail address to identify the target by an e-mail address.
● Any. Select this item for general purpose situations. For example, if you do not have
enough certificates to configure.
8. From the Locate this IKE Certificate Policy options, select a queue position for the bundle.
9. VSUs use bundles on an as-needed basis.