Configuring remote access users
112 Avaya VPNmanager Configuration Guide Release 3.7
To configure Client DNS Resolution Redirection for all VPNremote Clients:
● Enter a subdomain name in the Domain Name field (for example,
● Enter the IP address of the DNS server that will resolve DNS requests for the
corresponding subdomain name in the Protected DNS Server field.
● Repeat this procedure for up to two additional subdomains, then click Apply.
These settings apply to all Clients in all VPNs. Client DNS Resolution Redirection cannot be set
uniquely for each Client.
For proper operation, a VPN protecting the specified DNS servers must be configured between
the VPNremote Client and the security gateway. This VPN must contain a Group that includes
the IP addresses of the DNS servers defined within the Client DNS Resolution Redirection. The
VPN services of the “DNS server VPN” will be applied to any DNS requests made by the Client
to the subdomains defined within the Client DNS Resolution Redirection.
Client DNS resolution redirection
Enable Client DNS Resolution Redirection and enter up to three subdomain names along with
the IP address of the DNS server that will resolve DNS requests for the corresponding
subdomain name.
Remote Client inactivity connection time-out (VPNos 3.x)
You can set the amount of time that a VPNremote Client can be idle before its assigned IP
address is returned to the Client IP Address Pool. This is useful if you have VPNremote Client
users that typically use TCP-based applications (e.g. Telnet, FTP, Web traffic) and leave those
applications idle for long periods of time.
Units can be seconds or minutes. The maximum idle time is 65,535 minutes.
Send Syslog messages. . .
Send Syslog messages to receiving hosts after VPN session is inactive for XX minutes enables
you to set the session inactivity time before issuing a Syslog message. The default time is 10