Using advanced features
228 Avaya VPNmanager Configuration Guide Release 3.7
4. Select Get IP List for DNS Names so that when a DNS query is made, the security
gateway keeps all the IP addresses that are returned in the cache. The security gateway
attempts to respond to the queries in the same order that the queries were received.
If this parameter is not selected and a DNS query is made, the security gateway uses the
first IP address of the DNS response that is returned.
5. In the Number of Failed Hosts field, enter the number of configured hosts that can fail
before network path failover criteria is reached. If multiple hosts are configured and all hosts
are critical, enter 1. If any one of the configured hosts failed to respond, network path
failover occurs.
6. In the Consecutive “No”Responses field, enter the number of consecutive connectivity
checks without a response that you want to allow. The default is 10.
7. In the Monitor Check Interval field, Enter the number of seconds that you want to allow
between connectivity checks to the configured host or hosts. The interval is also used to
define the response time of the host. Monitor checks are made at the same time to each
host. The default is 10 seconds.
8. Click the Advanced button to configure the traceroute settings during failover. Select
Enable and complete the following:
● Enable traceroute during failover
In the event of tunnel failover, leave the current remote tunnel endpoint in effect following
a system reboot.
● Set consecutive no responses
The number of consecutive connectivity initiation checks without a response from the
number of failed hosts specified in the failover configuration to initial traceroute.
● Select the target host. Click OK.
The target host is the host where traceroute will be initiated.
● First Failed Host. The network host IP address specified in the failover host list.
Traceroute will be initiated to the first failed host from the configured list of failover hosts.
● Host IP. The network host IP address to monitor connectivity. Traceroute will be initiated
on the specified host IP address.
9. In the Reconnect area, select the appropriate failover reconnect option.
● Restore the Remote TEP on Reboot
In the event of tunnel failover, leave the current remote tunnel endpoint in effect following
a system reboot.
In previous releases of VPNos 4.x, a system reboot would not restore the original RTEP.
● Restore primary RTEP
In the event of tunnel failover, restore the original, primary remote tunnel endpoint in
effect following a system reboot.