14-26 AUDIX Network Testing
Before activating the Remote Updates feature, check to see if calls between systems are toll calls. Also,
check the number of subscribers that already exist (traffic : feature : day form). If there are
much more than 100 local subscribers, the customer may want to wait for a low traffic period and/or
discount calling time before updates are activated.
Step 1: Activating the Remote Updates Feature
Perform the following steps to activate remote updates. To start with, activate remote updates only
between the local AUDIX machine and one remote machine.
1. Log in to the local AUDIX system and go to the system : translation : remote
updates form. Set allow full updates (y/n)? to y. Press CHANGE or RUN .
2. Go to the system : translation : machine : audix/amis/call delivery form.
Press ENTER to display the profile of the local system.
3. Set updates in (y/n)? to y. Set updates out (y/n)? to y. Press CHANGE or RUN .
4. Set machine name to the name of one of the remote AUDIX systems. Press ENTER . Repeat step 3.
5. For R1V3 and R1V4 systems only: Go to the maintenance : audits : fp form and run a
network data audit. (This step is not necessary for R1V5 and later systems.)
6. Repeat steps 1 through 5 at the remote system you selected in step 4. Note that the ‘‘remote’’ system
becomes the ‘‘local’’ system once you log in to it.
Step 2: Testing the Remote Updates Feature
Demand Update Procedure
This procedure will cause a full update from the specified system only.
1. Go to the system : translation : remote update form. Set request full update from
(machine name) to the name of the remote AUDIX system and press CHANGE or RUN .
2. Go to the maintenance : network form and perform a connection test to the system specified
in step 1. If this is the first remote update from this system, the connect test could take a long time if
there are a large number of subscriber records to be sent.
3. Once the connect test has completed, go to Log In to the Remote Adjunct.