13-22 AUDIX System Administration
Access the traffic : feature : day form by typing tr f d on the path line. Press RETURN .
Record the number displayed in the subscribers : local field. You might add to this number the number of
local subscribers the customer expects to add over the next 12 months; record the total. Also record the
expected total of remote subscribers in the network (subscribers that reside somewhere in the network other
than on the local system).
Next, access the system : limits form by typing sy li on the path line. Press RETURN .
Administer the following fields.
Form Fields
• subscribers, local
Set this field to the number (or expected number) of local subscribers, up to a maximum of 4000 (see
Figure 13-4, The System Limits Form).
• administered remote
Enter the number of administered and nonadministered remote subscribers that are expected to be
included in the entire network, up to a maximum of 28,000. Do not put in a larger number than
If the send to non-administered recipients field on the system :
translation : machine : audix/amis/call delivery form is set to y,
setting the administered remote field to 28,000 will not leave room for non-
administered (unknown) subscribers to be added.
This field is used for two purposes:
— To calculate the system data (sdat) filesystem size requirements for all remote subscribers (both
administered and nonadministered)
— To calculate recommended filesystem size requirements for the other filesystems on the form for
only the administered remote subscribers
Because of this dual purpose, the system : limits form should be used in two steps, as described
in the next section.
Calculating Filesystem Sizes
To calculate filesystem space requirements for all remote AUDIX subscribers (both administered and
nonadministered), use the following procedure:
1. Move the cursor to the subscribers, local field and type the total number of administered
local subscribers (for example, 2000).