DCP Mode 2 Installation and Administration 11-21
_ ______________________________________________________________________________________
_ ______________________________________________________________________________________
_ ______________________________________________________________________________________
Group Number: 1 Group Type: combined
Modem Name: audix Hold Time(min): 5
Speed: 9600 Duplex: full Synchronization: async
Analog Digital Analog Digital Analog Digital Analog Digital
1: A0801 A0201 9: 17: 25:
2: A0802 A0202 10: 18: 26:
3: A0803 A0211 11: 19: 27:
4: A0804 A0212 12: 20: 28:
5: 13: 21: 29:
6: 14: 22: 30:
7: 15: 23: 31:
8: 16: 24: 32:
add modem-pool next
Figure 11-8. System 75, Generic 1, and Generic 3 Modem Pool Assignments
System 85 Administration
Use the following steps to administer a System 85 for modem pooling using a MAAP:
1. Assign a bearer capability of mode 0 data to the class of service for the AUDIX networking
extensions (Proc 010, Word 4, Field 3 = 4).
_ ______________________________________________________________________________________
Wd 1 2 3 4 PROC
_ ______________________________________________________________________________________
_ ______________________________________________________________________________________
4 4 010
_ ______________________________________________________________________________________
2. Procedure 100, Word 1 (for the digital side):
a. Enter the trunk group number (tgroup1) in Field 1. A dial access code is not required (Fields 2
through 5).
b. Set Trunk Type to 102 (Field 6 = 102).
c. Set Dial Access Restriction to 0 (Field 7 = 0).
d. Set CO Line Appearance to 0 (Field 8 = 0).
_ ______________________________________________________________________________________
Wd 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 PROC
_ ______________________________________________________________________________________
_ ______________________________________________________________________________________
1 tgroup1 102 0 0 100
_ ______________________________________________________________________________________