Kindle User’s Guide 96
Chapter 9 Your Kindle and Amazon
In addition to shopping directly from your device, you can acquire the same books, magazines,
newspaper subscriptions, and other content you find on the Kindle Store using a web browser
on your computer. You can also go to the Manage Your Kindle page on Amazon to manage
your Kindle account, change or cancel a subscription, or look up a past Kindle order. If you need
help, Kindle Support on Amazon gives you information, e-mail, and phone access to dedicated
customer service representatives.
9.1 Shopping for Kindle Content on Amazon
This section shows you how to purchase content for your Kindle on Amazon. As with
purchases on the Kindle Store, Kindle content is auto-delivered wirelessly to your Kindle.
Browsing the Kindle Store
When browsing the Kindle Store on Amazon, you use categories and sub-categories to
find content that suits your interests. Each page shows listings of content relevant to the
categories or sub-categories you have navigated to and clicked on. Once inside a category,
you can further refine your browse by topic. Each page shows the path taken so you can
easily retrace your steps.
Searching the Kindle Store
When searching the Kindle Store on Amazon, you use the Amazon search engine to find
relevant Kindle content associated with the keyword or phrase that you type into the search
box. The search engine finds and displays lists of content along with descriptive images,
titles, authors, and ratings. You can narrow results by categories by clicking on the drop-down
list located on the right side of the Search Results page.
Getting the Details
The product detail page for Kindle content provides the most pertinent information to help you
make a purchase decision. In addition to cover image, title, author, and pricing information, the
product detail page gives you insight into the content from other readers. For example, you
can read customer reviews and check out “Customers Who Bought This Book Also Bought”
to find out what other customers have enjoyed. From the product detail page you can purchase
Kindle books, newspapers, blogs, and other periodicals with Amazon 1-Click.
Ordering Content
Ordering content from the product detail page is as easy as the click of a button. Similar to
ordering directly from your Kindle, you can place orders from detail pages on Amazon and
receive your content in usually under a minute. Once you make a selection, your order is
auto-delivered wirelessly to your Kindle. You do not need to use your computer to download
your content. If you have more than one Kindle, you can use the drop-down menu below the
Buy button to choose which Kindle should receive your order.
The following describes the “buy box” actions:
Buy now with 1-Click: — click this button to purchase a Kindle book or current periodical
issue. Your order will be auto-delivered wirelessly to your Kindle in under a minute.
Subscribe now with 1-Click — click this button to start a newspaper, magazine, or blog
subscription with a 14-day free trial. Your subscription will be auto-delivered wirelessly to your
Kindle. You can cancel at any time during your 14-day free trial and you will not be charged.
Chapter 9
Your Kindle and Amazon