Kindle User’s Guide 19
Chapter 1 Getting Started with Your Kindle
Menu button — displays application and navigation choices that are related to the screen
you are viewing. The Menu button is located in the top row of the keyboard, just above the
5-way controller.
5-way controller — selects an item or action when you press the center of the controller.
Moves the on-screen highlight or cursor up and down when you press the up or down arrow
on the controller. Moves the on-screen highlight or cursor side to side when you press the
left or right arrow on the controller. Press and hold down on an arrow to accelerate the cursor
movement, making it faster to navigate through lists or text. The 5-way controller is located
on the right side of the keyboard, just below the Menu button, and just above the Back
Keyboard — use to enter search terms, notes in your content, URLs for websites, etc.
Back button — retraces your steps on Kindle just like the Back button on a web browser.
For example, you can follow a link in a book and then press the Back button to return to your
place. The Back button is located in the bottom right corner of the keyboard, just below the
5-way controller and just to the right of the Home button.
Symbol key — presents a menu of punctuation marks, symbols, and numbers. Use the
5-way controller to select the desired symbol or number and press the 5-way to select. You
can continue using the keyboard while the Symbol menu is displayed. Press the Symbol key
again to dismiss the menu. The Symbol key is located in the second row (from the bottom)
of the keyboard, just to the left of the Return key.
Text key — adjusts the text size, typeface, line spacing, and number of words per line to
suit your reading preference. Also allows you to turn on/off Text-to-Speech, zoom into PDF
documents and adjust their contrast, and to change the screen rotation settings. The Text
key is located in the bottom row of the keyboard, just to the right of the Space key.
Shift key — makes the next key pressed a capital letter. The Shift key is located in the
bottom left corner of the keyboard.
Alt key — typically used in combination with another key to enter a keyboard shortcut.
See “Kindle Shortcuts” in Chapter 7 for a list of useful shortcuts. The Alt key is located
in the bottom row of the keyboard, just to the right of the Shift key.