Kindle User’s Guide 79
Chapter 7 Settings and Experimental
Use the Kindle Settings page to set up a Wi-Fi network, create a device password, enable
Voice Guide, link to your social networks, and set other Kindle preferences. The Settings page
also provides information about your Kindle, such as the serial number and network capability
(Wi-Fi or Wi-Fi and 3G). The Experimental page contains a number of prototype features that
you may find useful.
7.1 Adjusting Your Kindle Settings
The Settings page is shown below and the features are explained in the list that follows. To
go to the Settings page, press the Menu button while on your Home screen. Use the 5-way
controller to underline “Settings” and press to select.
Registration — this is the Amazon account name to which your Kindle is registered. All
Kindle Store and other charges will be applied to the credit card associated with your 1-Click
Device Name — lets you personalize your Kindle by giving it a name. This name shows at the
top of the Home screen.
Wi-Fi Settings — displays the number of available (detected) Wi-Fi networks, and shows the
name of the Wi-Fi network you are currently connected to. If you are not connected to a Wi-Fi
network, the “Network” field displays “not connected.” Select “view” to view detected Wi-Fi
networks or set up a new Wi-Fi network.
Device Info — displays the Wi-Fi MAC Address, serial number, and network capability (Wi-Fi
or Wi-Fi and 3G) of your device.
Chapter 7
Settings and Experimental