
Features and Functions 2
34980A User’s Guide 27
2-Wire Versus 1-Wire Mode
You can configure the 34923A, 34925A, and 34933A modules for 2-wire
(differential) or 1-wire (single ended) measurements. If you change the
module configuration, you must cycle power on the 34980A to activate the
new setting.
To determine whether the module is in the 2- wire or 1- wire
configuration, check the module description shown on the front panel
when the module is selected, or send the
SYSTem:CTYPe? or
SYSTem:CDEScription? command. For example, the SYSTem:CTYPe?
response for the 34923A will be either “34923A” (differential mode) or
“34923A-1W” (single-ended mode).
If you are using terminal blocks with these modules, be sure to use the
corresponding 2-wire or 1-wire terminal block.
The module configuration is stored in non-volatile memory on the
module and does not change when you remove the module from the
mainframe, after a Factory Reset (
*RST command), or after an
Instrument Preset (SYSTem:PRESet command).
Front Panel Operation: Module (Configure) > MODE NEXT POWER-ON
After selecting the 2- wire (“WIRE2”) or 1- wire (“WIRE1”), you must cycle
power on the 34980A to activate the new setting.
Remote Interface Operation: The following command selects the 1- wire
configuration on the module in slot 3. The new configuration will not take
effect until you cycle power on the 34980A.