
4-Channel Isolated D/A Converter with Waveform Memory Module 9
34980A User’s Guide 189
34951A SCPI Programming Examples
The programming examples below provide you with SCPI command
examples to use for actions specific to the DAC module.
The slot and channel addressing scheme used in these examples follow
the form sccc where s is the mainframe slot number (1 through 8) and
ccc is the three- digit channel number. Valid channels for this module
are 1-4. For information on specific configurations, refer to the simplified
schematic on page 193.
For complete information on the SCPI commands used to program the
34980A, refer to the Agilent 34980A Programmer’s Reference contained on
the 34980A Product Reference CD. For example programs, also refer to the
34980A Product Reference CD.
Level Mode
Example: Outputting a DC voltage level This command sets the output voltage
level for the specified DAC channels. After setting the desired level, send the
OUTPut:STATe command to close the corresponding output relay and
enable outputs from the specified channels. The following command outputs
+2.5 V DC on DAC channels 1 and 2 for a module in slot 4.
SOURce:VOLTage 2.5,(@4001,4002)
OUTPut:STATe ON,(@4001,4002)
Example: Outputting a current level This command sets the output current
level on the specified channels on the DAC module. After setting the desired
level, send the OUTPut:STATe command to close the corresponding output
relay and enable outputs from the specified channels. The following
command outputs +5 mA on DAC channels 1 and 2 for a module in slot 4 and
closes the output relay.
SOURce:CURRent 5E-3,(@4001,4002)
OUTPut:STATe ON,(@4001,4002)
Waveform Mode
Example: Downloading a waveform to memory and outputting waveform from
The following command segment downloads a 1000-point sine
waveform to memory on the module in slot 4 and outputs the waveform from
DAC channels 1 and 2. The trace name is "TEST_SINE".
TRACe:FUNCtion 4,SINusoid, TEST_SINE, 1000
SOURce:FUNCtion:TRACe TEST_SINE,(@4001,4002)
OUTPut:STATe ON,(@4001,4002)
SOURe:FUNCtion:ENABle ON,(@4001,4002)