6-16 LAN Interface Supplement
Controlling the Analyzer via the LAN
Controlling the Analyzer with a C Program
/* binary data encountered - figure out what it is */
long numDigits;
long numBytes = 0;
/* char length[10]; */
count = recv(sock, tmp_buf, 1, 0); /* read 1 char */
ch = tmp_buf[0];
if ((count < 1) || (ch == EOF)) break; /* End of file */
if (ch < '0' || ch > '9') break; /* unexpected char */
numDigits = ch - '0';
if (numDigits)
/* read numDigits bytes into result string. */
count = recv(sock, result, (int)numDigits, 0);
result[count] = 0; /* null terminate */
numBytes = atol(result);
if (numBytes)
resultBytes = 0;
/* Loop until we get all the bytes we requested. */
/* Each call seems to return up to 1457 bytes, on HP-UX 9.05 */
do {
int rcount;
rcount = recv(sock, result, (int)numBytes, 0);
resultBytes += rcount;
result += rcount; /* Advance pointer */
} while ( resultBytes < numBytes );
* For LAN dumps, there is always an extra trailing newline
* Since there is no EOI line. For ASCII dumps this is
* great but for binary dumps, it is not needed.
if (resultBytes == numBytes)
char junk;
count = recv(sock, &junk, 1, 0);
/* indefinite block ... dump til we can an extra line feed */
if (recv_line(sock, result, maxLength) == NULL) break;
if (strlen(result)==1 && *result == '\n') break;
resultBytes += strlen(result);
result += strlen(result);
} while (1);
/* ASCII response (not a binary block) */
*result = (char)ch;