Glossary-2 LAN Interface Supplement
10Base-T A physical network
connection that uses twisted-pair
cables with RJ-45 connectors.
absolute pathname (The
specification of a node (file or
directory) in a hierchical file
system relative to the root
directory (the topmost node)—It is
the full path name of a file or
directory, including all the
directories leading to it, starting
with the root (/) and ending with
the file or directory name itself.
authentication The verification
of an entity (person or process) for
the purpose of granting access to
files or directories, or to verify the
source of a message.
Automount The automatic
mounting of a remote file system.
BOOTP (Bootstrap Protocol) A
protocol for passing configuration
information on a TCP/IP network.
Specified by RFC-951.
bridge A device that moves traffic
from one network to another.You
use a bridge to connect networks of
the same type together.
datagram An independent piece
of data comprising sufficient
information to be routed to the
destination, without reliance on
previous messages.
client A computer system or
process that requests services from
a server.
Depending on the protocol, your
analyzer is either a client or a
Protocol Function
BOOTP client
FTP server
NFS client
SICL LAN server
client/server A distributed
computing system, with tasks split
between a client and a server.
Clients send requests to servers,
asking for information or actions.